Jill Magee: Injury Prevention and Jump Training

Jill Magee on Impact of Jump Training and Injury Prevention

Jill Magee on Injury Prevention
Jill Magee on Injury Prevention

One of the major areas of misunderstanding in the world of sport is the amount of contacts you have with the floor.  Jill Magee and Stephen McCarthy covered the concept of injury prevention.  i.e. practicing your jumps but limiting the number of foot contacts during jump training program.

Some programs require the use of weight vests, bands, etc. all over one training season.  This may be too much for the situation.  This sets up a problem if your body is not ready and you attack the training program, at the very least your work will not produce the results you desire. The worst case is you break down and get hurt.

Here are a couple points to hit before starting a new training program:

1.  Assessment of where your body is currently at  strength wise

2.  Find out strengths, weaknesses, and compensations then fix them.

3.  Start the jump training program with the proper number and type of foot contacts

For more information on the complete show, visit here.

For more information on Jill Magee, visit her website.


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