1. How Athletes Get Great (Outside Magazine) and Talent or Skill (NPR)
2. McDonalds Takes Another Hit on the Quality of Food Front (Political Blind Spot)
3. Ingredients of A Donut (Natural News)
4. Improve Drinking Water, Improve Performance (Natural Society)
5. The Lunar Cycles and Sleep Patterns (Natural News)
6. Bad news for Pigs and GMO’s. Humans next? (Responsible Technology)
7. Non-GMO seeds better than Scientific GMO seeds (Responsible Technology)
8. Chipotle First U.S. Chain to Label GMO’s (Nation of Change)
9. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Aid in Curing Cancer (Womens Health)
10. Sleep and A Heart Healthy Lifestyle (Mens Fitness)
11. Ankle Range of Motion: 95% Solved without Dr (Mobility WOD)
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