Former English Soccer Player and Sports Performance Coach Talk Performance and Injuries

Injury prevention in soccer is a much discussed subject and picking up steam every year. With the number of athletes participating in sport and the amount of dollars floating around the pro athletes, the concept of sports performance and injury prevention have a natural connection. The ultimate goal is to eliminate injuries and keep the players playing. This is a very complex problem to solve. But as you will hear 80% of the problem comes from things that each athlete can control on their own. The amazing part of the discussion is that even the athletes who are making millions to play the game they love are not doing the basics.
Today Andy Barr, former English soccer player and sports performance coach for numerous pro teams in England, joined us to talk about these concepts and how they directly apply to game of soccer.
You will be surprised to find out that the basics: sleep, hydration, and proper nutrition are the starting point to elite level recovery and injury prevention. Not some hyper scientific training program or diet.
For the complete interview, tune in the show or check out the special report, Sports Performance in Soccer.
To connect with Andy Barr directly send him an email at or twitter.
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