Team Sand Camps

sand_volleyball_stephen_mccarthy2 Looking to engage the team in a unique way? Or simply to change up the team’s summer skills training sessions?

The McCarthy Project Team Sand Camps might be the solution.

Coach Coleman of UAB

As a way of confirmation that the sand can improve indoor performance, listen to my interview with UAB Sand Volleyball Coach Bailey Coleman on the benefits her indoor players received by playing outside in the sand.  Coach Coleman mentioned that the players improved their ability to think independently and shortened the amount of time to get over the last bad play, better passing and hitting skills appeared, as well as, an increased ability to communicate with other players.  For complete interview, visit here.

Each team will receive 6-7 hours per week of training, drills and court time. Drills can be run by the team or The McCarthy Project staff.  Each session can be customized to meet team goals.

Location: Lord Fletchers in Spring Grove, MN

Cost:  $500.00 per team per week. Discounts available for additional weeks.

For additional information have a team representative or coach, contact Stephen McCarthy at 612-741-0982.

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