Sports Vision Coaching.. Old Concept.. New application..

Over the last couple days, I have had a couple conversations related to sports vision coaching.  The first conversation was with Robin Donley, president of Perceptual Testing, Inc., and the inventor of the Vision Coach.  She has developed a way to increase athlete’s performance with a device that looks just like a tv.  She mentioned that two thirds of the information we take in as athletes comes through our eyes.  The thought of increasing an young athlete’s awareness of where things are in space by 60-70% would be an incredible advantage. Check out further information on the vision coach lightboard website.

Secondly, we are going to bring some of our athletes over the Courage Center in Forest Lake to work with the Lightboard.  I will keep you posted on the results.


Stephen McCarthy, Director of The McCarthy Project, Stephen was born and raised in Spring Lake Park, MN.  He has worked with over 10000 athletes with an emphasis on the youth athlete. He has researched and developed innovative training techniques for over 12 years. His athletes have received college scholarships and played professionally, as well as, won state and national championships.  Starting in February, our weekly talk radio show, Building Warriors Strength and Speed.


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