Most of us have been conditioned to look at the calories we eat as the primary reason why we might be getting a little thick around the middle, and while it is true that too many calories aren’t good for maintaining a healthy weight, far too many individuals have overlooked an important aspect to keeping fit and vital – toxic chemical overload.
A chemically burdened body is more likely to harness fat than a ‘clean’ body. Practitioners of ancient natural medicine have known for a long time that detoxing is vital to keep diseases of obesity at bay. But just last January, the government’s National Toxicology Program met to review the science on environmental chemicals and obesity and diabetes. The panelists published their review in an issue of Environmental Health Perspectives.
In brief, the study showed that environmental chemicals are changing how our brains regulate our feeding behavior. Heavy metals in drinking water and even apple juice, BPAs in the plastics made from petroleum, Dioxin, Atrazine, Aspartame, Phthalates, Perchlorate, substances like DDT, Monsanto’s glyphosate, and other pesticides are turning our endocrine systems into a mosh pit at a car crash competition. Full article
10 years ago, most people didn’t give the chemicals in their personal care products a second thought, believing the government was policing their safety. But as EWG’s reports over the past decade have made clear, that’s not true. The government does not require long-term safety studies or pre-market testing for most of the ingredients in cosmetics or other personal care products.
Since Skin Deep was launched, more chemicals used in cosmetics have been assessed for safety, but it’s still not enough. Dangerous ingredients continue to lurk in everyday products with little to no government regulation. That’s why EWG is here – to continue to fight for cosmetics policy reform at the federal level and to provide you with practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to hazardous substances.
On Monday, Quartz published an article by Devin Cohen titled, There is a Secret Ingredient in Your Burgers: Wood Pulp. Given the headline and people’s already present suspicion regarding all of the shady and potentially dangerous ingredients hidden in food items, the article gained a lot of traction. In subsequent days, most journalists and bloggers have focused on the dangers of this additive (unclear) and whether or not it is pervasive throughout the food chain as opposed to just fast food (it appears to be). The one angle that has not been explored as much is the overall trend. Let’s go ahead and assume that wood pulp is a safe thing to consume, it certainly seems to have no nutritional value whatsoever.
So why are companies inserting it into food items? To mask inflation and earn more profits most likely. This was a major theme I focused on last year in a series of pieces on stealth inflation and food fraud, a couple of which can be read below:
New Study Shows 59% of “Tuna” Sold in the U.S. Isn’t Tuna
This is the part that really interests me. When did these companies first introduce this substance into their products and what is the growth trend? My guess is that as food costs have risen, the proportion of non-nutritonal fillers has increased substantially. That said, I’d like to see some data and I haven’t yet. My big takeaway here is the same as last year’s when I first started writing about the trend. As the cost of food continues to rise, the cost of not paying attention to what you are eating rises exponentially. Companies will continue to try to mask inflation by shrinking package sizes, and when that is no longer possible, increasingly inserting empty fillers (or worse) into their products. Full Article
If you indulge in ice cream from time to time or on a daily basis, you likely have a favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor. Whether it’s Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia, this company, known for its out-there and abundantly-packed ice cream cartons, has a flavor for everyone. A recent decision by the company to phase out all GMOs and only source fair trade ingredients means many of these flavors will be changing, but where food transparency and integrity are concerned, these changes will be all positive.
Last year, I reported on Ben & Jerry’s statement that the company would be going GMO-free by 2014. The company already offers food that is 80% GMO-free, though it wants to go the whole 9 yards and build that number up to 100%. Full Article
(NaturalNews) The controversy surrounding one of the world’s most popular artificial sweeteners, aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), continues some 30 years after the chemical was rammed through the regulatory process by pharmaceutical interests, despite its well-documented dangers. And yet to this very day, many people are still unaware of the chemical sweetener’s sordid history, not to mention what aspartame is actually made from and how it affects the body and brain. Learn more: click here
Today, a variety of factors contribute to weakened immunity in the majority of the population
1) Heavy metals/toxic metals: Mercury, aluminum, lead, etc.
2) Pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants
3) Low body temperature
4) Hormonal imbalances: high cortisol/low DHEA, low cortisol/low DHEA, low thyroid function
5) Poor digestive health: imbalances in good:bad flora, mal-absorption, etc.
6) Epigenetic polymorphisms that are expressing: MTHFR, which is related to the production of certain types of immune cells known as T cells and GSTM/GSTP, which affects our levels of glutathione, an anti-oxidant important for immune function.
Addressing #1 and #2 involves optimizing Phase I and Phase II detoxification in the liver, as well as reducing exposure to these harmful compounds. Correcting #3 and #4 must involve a thorough examination of adrenal and thyroid health. An adrenal test known as an adrenal stress index should be performed to measure cortisol 4 times throughout the day, along with 2 measurements of DHEA. This is important for optimal body temperature because cortisol that is too high OR too low will negatively affect thyroid function. The following thyroid markers should be measured: free T3, free T4, TSH, reverse T3, anti-TPO antibodies, and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies. Optimizing digestion (#5) should include a baseline analysis, such as the Metametrix GI Effects Profile, to determine what abnormalities may exist in the beginning. These may include insufficient “good” bacteria, the presence of pathogenic microbes(yeast, bacteria, or parasites), low levels of stomach acid, or poor pancreatic enzyme output. Without optimizing gut health, it is difficult, if not impossible, to have a robust immune system. Lastly, testing for epigenetic polymorphisms can be done through 23andme( and putting your raw data through a program such as Genetic Genie, Prometheus, etc. can help you determine if you have any copies of immune-related polymorphisms such as MTHFR, GSTM, etc. Bypassing the MTHFR polymorphism is as simple as taking methylfolate, B12, and co-factors, such as the other B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, etc. full article
Organic fresh fruits and vegetables tested in the past two years contained pesticide residue
By April McCarthy,
The most common recommendation made by health experts in the area of produce selection is to choose “organic” varieties for maximum health benefits. We trust organic label certifications because they are supposed to comply with organic standards set by national governments and international organizations. Synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not allowed in organic practices, but that’s not always the case. Research by a Food Inspection Agency in Canada has found that nearly half the organic fresh fruits and vegetables tested in the past two years contained pesticide residue, violating maximum allowable limits for the presence of pesticides, the data shows. Full article
Former WNBA player Carolyn Moos on the value of yoga in basketball
Carolyn Moos of joined Stephen to talk about basketball, yoga and nutrition. Recently, Kevin Love of the Minnesota Timberwolves made some noise about his off-season yoga workouts and how they improved his game. Carolyn will be talking about her career and the benefits of using yoga.
Carolyn shared her story growing up in Minnesota and the start of her love of yoga. Secondly, Carolyn developed out her training theory and how young athletes could benefit from the use of yoga and proper nutrition. For the entire show, click here.
Bio Information on Carolyn Moos:
She works with elite and pro athletes, student-athletes, general public, mothers to be and those with goals to change their overall lifestyle choices. Contact Carolyn or visit her website.
Stephen and Kate Miller talk about the concept of nutrient dense foods and attempt to answer the question, “Is food what they say it is?”
In today’s world, you choose to eat healthy and you show up at the grocery store to pick-up fruits and vegetables. But are items really food? Is the genetically modified tomato as good as the non-gmo, organic, locally grown tomato? This and other questions around the concept of nutrient dense foods and the quality of food sources are covered. For the complete interview, visit here.
Bio on Kate Miller: Food has long been a focus in Kate’s life, and she has worked in numerous kitchens and dining rooms in the US and Europe. Concerns about the quality of factory farmed food and social justice issues inherent in modern agriculture led to deeper involvement in the production end of our food supply. In 2010, after completing her M.A. and spending 6 months in India under the tutelage of organic food activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, Kate took a leap and began growing vegetables and herbs organically at Weathertop Farm. Every season is an adventure, and since that time we have added pork, chicken, and fruit production as well as a line of foraged foods through our business Wild Foraged. Foraging has been the natural progression in this journey to produce and share local, healthy foods with our community. Kate believes that wild foods, including wild medicinals, should play a distinct role in every person’s quest for a healthy and happy balanced lifestyle.
I was joined by Kate Miller of Weathertop Farm and to talk about the Slow Food Movement. The Slow Food Movement started in Rome, Italy in response to a McDonald’s invading the marketplace with there cheap, over-processed, fast food.
Kate and Stephen discuss the lifestyle and food choices that make the Slow Food movement one of the best concepts for athletes and families to implement into their daily living. For the interview, click here.
For more information on the Slow Food Movement in the USA, visit their website.
Bio on Kate Miller: Food has long been a focus in Kate’s life, and she has worked in numerous kitchens and dining rooms in the US and Europe. Concerns about the quality of factory farmed food and social justice issues inherent in modern agriculture led to deeper involvement in the production end of our food supply. In 2010, after completing her M.A. and spending 6 months in India under the tutelage of organic food activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, Kate took a leap and began growing vegetables and herbs organically at Weathertop Farm. Every season is an adventure, and since that time we have added pork, chicken, and fruit production as well as a line of foraged foods through our business Wild Foraged. Foraging has been the natural progression in this journey to produce and share local, healthy foods with our community. Kate believes that wild foods, including wild medicinals, should play a distinct role in every person’s quest for a healthy and happy balanced lifestyle.
Call it consumer fraud! Many of the “fruits” used in popular breakfast cereals are really just fake fruits made out of refined factory ingredients like:
So which breakfast cereals can you really trust to deliver REAL fruits versus FAKE fruits?
In this investigation, we examine nine popular cereals. In each picture below, you’ll see the cereal box image, a microscopy photo of the “fruit” in the cereal, and a snapshot of the ingredients label.
Frosted Mini Wheats Strawberry Delight Cereal
Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Cheats
Don’t trust the cereal box to tell the truth! As you can see on this box of Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats, the front of the box shows a picture of fresh strawberries. But the cereal doesn’t contain any strawberries.
Instead, it contains petrochemical-derived food coloring chemicals and soybean oil almost certainly derived from GMOs.
The box claims the cereal is made from “100% Whole Grain” but never mentions the artificial chemical colors, corn syrup, soybean oil or questionable ingredients.
The box imagery also falsely implies that you’re buying and eating real strawberries, and this same deception is repeated across nearly all popular cereals.
In fact, this microscope image shows that the “strawberries” in Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats are really just artificially colored bits containing no real fruit at all!
As you can see from the ingredients label shown on the right, the real ingredients used to fake the strawberries in Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats are:
• Corn syrup
• Artificial flavor
• Soybean oil (most likely from GMOs)
• Gelatin
• Citric acid (most likely from GMOs)
• Red #40 (artificial coloring chemical)
• Blue #2 (artificial coloring chemical)
• Blue #1 (artificial coloring chemical)
That’s not fruit! When you eat Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats, you’re eating a mouth full of chemicals!
That’s why I think the product name should be changed to Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-CHEATS! More details
Immediately after Natural News shocked the natural products industry by revealing significant levels of heavy metals in rice protein products, several of the smaller manufacturers got together to try to figure out how to counter scientific facts with public relations spin.
Three nights ago, a secret phone meeting was held among several of these smaller companies, and in that meeting they decided to counter my scientific research and laboratory results with a public relations campaign. The tactic of the campaign would be to convince customers that all heavy metals in rice protein products were “naturally occurring” and therefore don’t count. If it’s “natural,” after all, what could be bad about it? (Monsanto, of course, makes the same claim about GMOs.)
So I decided to put that claim to the test. Does all rice show high heavy metals concentrations because these metals are “naturally occurring” in all soils? More details.
Detoxify Your Body and Change Your Life with Dr. Group
I have found this concept to be of utmost importance in pursuit of elite performance in life and sport. Dr. Group lays out the benefits, challenges and why it is important to have a clean water source.
NATICK, Mass. (AP) — They call it the holy grail of ready-to-eat meals for soldiers: a pizza that can stay on the shelf for up to three years and still remain good to eat.
Soldiers have been asking for pizza since lightweight individual field rations — known as meals ready to eat, or MREs — replaced canned food in 1981 for soldiers in combat zones or areas where field kitchens cannot be set up.
Researchers at a U.S. military lab in Massachusetts are closing in on a recipe that doesn’t require any refrigeration or freezing.
“You can basically take the pizza, leave it on the counter, packaged, for three years and it’d still be edible,” said Michelle Richardson, a food scientist at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center.
Scientists at the Natick labs also are responsible for developing equipment and clothing that improves soldiers’ combat effectiveness and their survival, but the quest for good pizza has become known as the holy grail there. More information
Men and women alike have excess ‘belly-fat,’ usually an anthropomorphized representation of a lack of healthy fats in our bodies- like the ones in coconut oil. A peer-reviewed study from Brazil shows how eating just two tablespoons of coconut oil a day can help whittle our middle faster than spending months on the dreaded treadmill.
Coconut oil is full of medium chain triglycerides. (MCTs) The good thing about this type of fat is that it is more likely to be burned as energy than turned into extra blubber. Additionally extra virgin, organic coconut oil is full of lauric acid and caprylic acid, two important fatty acids that contain anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, so while your body can more easily utilize these fats as easy energy, coconut oil also helps to boost immunity and keep you from getting sick. More information
We have every considered our feebleness and bodily infirmity as the gifts of nature, our diseases as innate evils, and our vices as the shoots of original sin; instead of deeming them, what they almost always are, the consequences of our corrupt mode of life and education. It is but too true, that we are much more fond of having recourse to the shop of the apothecary, the magnetizing quack, or the panaceas of empirics, for preserving our lives, and dispelling disease, than drawing nearer to nature, or at least suffering our innocent children, whom a similar fate awaits, to draw more near to her, and imbibe health, strength, and longevity, from her breast: it is but too true, that many slaves of luxury, effeminacy, and fashion, consider affected sentimentality as a mark of refined understanding; delicate health and bodily debility, as indications of a mind highly cultivated; womanish softness, as a token of noble descent, and superior education; and in short, all these, as no less certain proofs of high birth, than the long nails of the Chinese.
It is but too true, that in many men of letters cannot conceive of solid learning, unless built on the ruin of the body; that even enlightened parents and tutors think they do enough for the physical department of education, and follow completely the modern mode of education, as it is called, and the directions of the wisest physicians, if the child be not suckled by a stranger, eat non pap, be neither swathed, rocked, put into leading strings, injured by stays, nor crammed with food; if he breathe pure air, get the small pox by inoculation, drink water, wear short hair, be accustomed to moderation in eating, once now and then take a little walk, and be exempted from swallowing preservative medicines, and from the application of the rod.
The erroneousness of these opinions is sufficiently obvious. The good included in the last I prize: but a child may be brought up very effeminately with cropped hair, under this philanthrophical education, as it is usually styled; which assuredly is far from sufficient, to carry a youth up to that degree of bodily perfection, where health is combined with strength and activity, with endurance, courage, and presence of mind, in the true manly character.
-Johan Guts Muths, Gymnastics for Youth, 1803, pg 99-100.
By Elizabeth Renter, February 11, 2014
It’s the most widely used food color in the world, though few know enough about caramel color to know it should be avoided. Aside from being brown, it bears no similarities to the sweet candy flavor it’s named after. As a matter of fact, not appetizing at all, it contains a potentially cancer-causing ingredient. A recent Consumer Reports study found that you may be receiving more of it than what’s generally assumed to be safe.
According to Consumer Reports, 4-methylimidazole (4-Mel) has been shown to cause cancer in mice. The International Agency for Research on Cancer found it to be similarly “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in 2011. Though there is no federal limit for caramel color or it’s dangerous ingredient 4-Mel in foods and beverages, there is a limit in California. More Information
There is a raw milk renaissance sweeping America that is marked by swelling disregard for all the government fear-mongering over this all-natural, living “superfood.” Writing for The Washington Post (WP), freelance journalist Whitney Pipkin highlights just a few of the many families throughout the Northeast and elsewhere that are embracing raw milk with open arms, despite oppressive restrictions on its sale and endless warnings by health authorities about its alleged dangers.
Raw milk is considerably hard to come by in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, for instance, as the District, Virginia and Maryland all currently prohibit the retail sale of raw milk. For families like the Jacksons, who recently moved out to the country to raise their own milk-producing animals and avoid the hassle, this used to mean having to cross state lines to access the whole food for their family of 13. More information
We made history today with the natural product industry’s first ever agreement to limiting heavy metals levels in popular products. Garden of Life, SunWarrior and Natural News agreed to the terms described here:
I want to be clear that Garden of Life and SunWarrior are not the only companies that need to be on board with this. In truth, many brown rice proteins we’ve tested has been found to contain significant levels of heavy metals including tungsten. The entire industry needs to commit to these improved composition goals, and I expect we will soon hear from other companies who join this commitment to clean food! More information
Subway, one of the world’s biggest bread bakers, is about to remove a chemical from its breads that raised the ire of an influential health activist and food blogger.
The world’s biggest sandwich chain says it’s in the process of removing the chemical known as Azodiacarbonamide from its sandwich breads — a chemical that Vani Hari, who runs the site, says is commonly used to increase elasticity in everything from yoga mats to shoe rubber to synthetic leather. It’s used for the same reason in bread, she says, as a dough conditioner.
“We are already in the process of removing Azodiacarbonamide as part of our bread improvement efforts despite the fact that it is USDA and FDA approved ingredient,” the company says in a statement. “The complete conversion to have this product out of the bread will be done soon.”
Days before Subway announced its change of heart, “Food Babe” Vani Hari appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss her new initiative, after discovering that Subway makes bread with an ingredient called azodicarbonamide – a chemical also used to make yoga mats and shoe rubber.
“As scientists, physicians, academics, and experts from disciplines relevant to the scientific, legal, social and safety assessment aspects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), we strongly reject claims by GM seed developers and some scientists, commentators, and journalists that there is a ‘scientific consensus’ on GMO safety and that the debate on this topic is ‘over’.”
“We feel compelled to issue this statement because the claimed consensus on GMO safety does not exist. The claim that it does exist is misleading and misrepresents the currently available scientific evidence and the broad diversity of opinion among scientists on this issue. Moreover, the claim encourages a climate of complacency that could lead to a lack of regulatory and scientific rigour and appropriate caution, potentially endangering the health of humans, animals, and the environment.”
The number of scientists on either side of a question does not, alone, imply a final answer. But it does indicate whether the question is closed or still open. It does indicate that those who claim the question is closed are wrong.
Completely wrong.
Monsanto PR and government PR and media PR are so many tongues wagging in the wind.
In previous articles, I’ve highlighted dangers and lies re GMOs. Here I’m simply reporting that a consensus about GMO safety is a delusion.
In other words, anybody can say “everybody knows…” And if those people have access to, or control, major media, they can make a persuasive case.
But the persuasion is nothing more than one voice drowning out other voices.
Other voices who, for example, make this declaration:
(Signatory, Dr. Margarida Silva, biologist and professor at the Portugese Catholic University)—“…research has been mostly financed by the very companies that depend on positive outcomes for their business, and we now know that where money flows, influence grows. The few independent academics left must work double shift to address the vast array of unanswered questions and red flags that keep piling up.”
Or this voice: Signatory, Dr. Raul Montenegro, biologist, University of Cordoba, Argentina—“As things stand, the governments of these countries [Argentina, Brazil] deny that there is a [GMO] problem even in the face of numerous reports from the people who are affected and the doctors who must treat them.”
So far, there are 297 such voices.
Will CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX report this story in full and overturn the false consensus? Will they make room for the 297 voices?
Of course not. Their job is to invent consensus by consulting “reliable sources.” Meaning: liars who also want to invent false consensus.
In the United States, pre-packaged foods loaded with artificial ingredients and chemicals can make it onto grocery store shelves boasting the label “natural.”
Why? Because in America, there is no definition of “natural.”
This gray area has led consumer advocates to threaten lawsuit after lawsuit against big food giants, alleging that their claims are misleading and illegal.
“There are just too damn many ‘natural’ lawsuits,” said lawyer Stephen Gardner of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), estimating there have been around 50 in the past decade. Read more
Like the decrepit hand of a wicked witch offering us all a shiny red apple, the latest GMO project puts a new poison in one of our favorite fruits. This time, it is Neal Carter, inventor of Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) offering the latest genetically modified atrocity, named the Arctic Apple. The company will offer its first non-browning apple through the ‘wonders of modern science,’ but I’m not sure its safe to take a bite.
Carter is the inventor of this GMO freak show – and this time it isn’t Eve that will give man his apple – it’s the biotech industry at it again with a way to reduce a genetic ‘issue’ in apples – the oxidation of the fruit which causes it to brown when it has been exposed to air. The British Columbia based company says this is a serious problem which causes a loss for the industry at every level of the supply chain on their website. More Details
A group of Russian MPs have prepared a bill severely restricting imports of genetically modified agricultural produce, and completely banning its domestic production.
The initiative is backed by Evgeny Fyodorov of the parliamentary majority United Russia and a group called Russian Sovereignty, which unites MPs from various parties and parliamentary factions.
The politicians want to amend the existing law On Safety and Quality of Alimentary Products with a norm set for the maximum allowed content of transgenic and genetically modified components. The powers to establish that norm go to the government and products with excessive content of GMO components should be banned for turnover and imports. More Details
I’ve just posted an informative new video which explains why heavy metals are so toxic to human health, with details on how each heavy metal impacts particular organs in the body.
In this video, you’ll learn many astonishing facts about where toxic heavy metals come from, which organs they tend to target, and even how heavy metals can cause personality changes in humans. More details
Muscle glycogen is needed for rapid energy usage, and becomes depleted after a high intensity training session. Rapid glycogen re-synthesis and protein synthesis are crucial for proper recovery in athletes of all types, particularly for those with practice and lifting sessions within the same day. If an athlete does not take proper actions within the first few hours, particularly in the area of nutrition, optimal gains due to training adaptations cannot be expected. The best examples I have seen to this date have come from the book “Nutrient Timing” by John Ivy in which the recovery phases are broken into three phases. These phases include the energy, anabolic, and growth phases, and all serve a different purpose in the recovery process.
The “energy phase” begins ten minutes prior to the start of training and continues through the end of the session. Nutrients taken during this phase are used to spare any unnecessary use of stored glycogen or branch-chain amino acid (BCAA) degradation during the training session as well as extend endurance. Consuming a high-glycemic carbohydrate, such as glucose or sucrose just prior to, as well as throughout a workout will raise blood glucose and insulin levels as well as decrease blood cortisol levels. A 6% glucose solution, about the same percentage as Gatorade, decreases cortisol levels by 80%. This increase in blood glucose will lead to less use the glycogen stored within the body. Sodium can be supplemented at this time to promote hydration and keep the body within its normal levels. Vitamin C use has been shown to reduce free radical levels within the body. However, it is important to note the body will not experience the same stress levels when Vitamin C is used as a supplement, thus less adaptations will be seen due to training. The “energy phase” is a necessity for setting the stage for a proper, rapid recovery.
The second phase is known as the “anabolic stage” and begins promptly at the termination of training and continues for around forty-five minutes post-training. Proper nutrition in this phase causes the biggest impact in terms of recovery and growth. Once this phase ends, the greatest window of opportunity for rapid glycogen replenishment has been lost. After a training session your body is still in the process of breaking down glycogen so one of the purposes of this stage is to turn this catabolic state into an anabolic state, or a “building” state. This is achieved by stimulating the release of insulin, which is one of, if not the most important anabolic hormone involved in the muscle-building process. During this stage of recovery muscles are more sensitive to insulin and its anabolic effects than any other time during the recovery process. High-glycemic carbohydrates, such as glucose or a glucose/fructose mix sports drink are optimal for promoting the greatest insulin response. The greater the insulin response post-training the higher the rate of glycogen re-synthesis will be. Nitric oxide, a strong stimulator of vasodilation, will remain elevated post-exercise for some time. This increase in blood flow will assist in the removal of metabolic wastes within the muscle. Protein is the other major nutrient source needed within the body at this time. The protein in this phase is used to assist with any muscle tissue damage that may have occurred during the training session as well as begin the protein synthesis process. It is important to use either a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of high-glycemic carbohydrate to protein intake, which are optimal for glycogen and protein synthesis.
The final stage of the recovery process is the “growth phase” and is actually split into two categories with the “rapid segment” coming first and the “sustained segment” being second. The “rapid segment” phase occurs once the “anabolic phase” has ended and can, if proper nutrition is used, to continue for up to four hours after the training session has ended. The goal of this phase is to extend the insulin sensitivity of the muscle cells for as long as possible. Note the difference of wording here in our goal. It is no longer in your best interest to keep your insulin levels as elevated as possible, but rather keep your cells as sensitive as possible. That being said the main nutrient used within this phase is protein. Only a small amount of high-glycemic carbohydrate is needed to maintain insulin sensitivity. The “sustained segment” phase begins when insulin sensitivity is no longer apparent and continues until the “energy phase” is activated just before the next training session. The goals of this final phase are to continue to replenish glycogen stores, maintain a positive nitrogen balance, promote protein turnover and continue muscle development. These goals can be accomplished by supplementing low-glycemic carbohydrates, because insulin sensitivity is no longer a factor, continual intake of protein which will keep the nitrogen balance of the body in the positive as well as continue to promote protein synthesis. These intakes will vary depending on the intensity of the specific athletic event, or the training style that is being used, with higher intensities needing a higher percentage of carbohydrate to sustain activity.
Clearly the timing of the nutrients, as well as the actual nutrients taken, is highly important for proper recovery post-training. In order to achieve your maximal gains your goals as an athlete must be to spare glycogen and protein break down as much as possible during training, shift the body from a catabolic to an anabolic stage as rapidly as possible, and then continue to promote protein synthesis throughout the remainder of the day until your next training session. These goals can be accomplished by supplementing carbohydrate and protein contained within whole foods throughout your training session. Utilizing a high-glycemic carbohydrate as well as protein in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio respectively immediately after training, and then continuing to supplement your body with a proper diet throughout the day will allow for maximal adaptations and performances.
Reference: Ivy, John, and Robert Portman. Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, 2004. Print.
For more information on Matthew Van Dyke, visit here
Daniel Vitalis on Water, Its Importance and The Future
By Stephen McCarthy, The McCarthy Project
Daniel Vitalis
Here is a link to an interview completed by Mike Adams of Natural News with Daniel Vitalis. Subjects covered: The history and science of water, how we as humans can begin to create balance through water, and much more.
Mike states, “This is one of the most fascinating interviews you’ll ever hear about water, wild foods and cutting-edge health concepts. Daniel Vitalis is well known for his Deer Antler Velvet and colostrum products, and he’s extremely well-informed about many cutting-edge topics.”
Shocking video! During my scientific investigations of foods, I recently discovered tiny fragments of metal embedded in Wheaties cereal flakes. Curious about how much metal was in the cereal, I used a neodymium magnet and discovered — to my great astonishment — that Wheaties flakes can be lifted with magnets.
This isn’t voodoo or woo woo or anything mystical; it’s just straight physics and the laws of magnetism. Yep, magnets work on metal fragments in cereal! Full Story
Scott Jackson of the University of Georgia on Heirloom Seeds: Current and Future Trends
Scott Jackson of the University of Georgia
So many of us have no idea the importance the type of seed used to produce the food we consume has on a society. Today, Scott Jackson, professor at the University of Georgia, will join Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to discuss the current and future trends in seed genetics and the use in our world today. We will be discussing the concepts of domestication, bottlenecks and epigenetics as it relates to the world of growing food.
Areas we will touch on today’s show are the following: The Debate on the Use of GMO’s. Seeds that are cloned and then transferred together control pests and disease. Hybrid and the value to the food supply. Hybrid seeds and crossing the strands, corn, rice, need to solve the problems. Only works in a few crops. Heirlooms. Seeds that were used before commercialization and open pollinated.
Here are a couple articles for additional research.
Scott Jackson’s research focuses on the application of genomics and cytogenetics to understand the structure, function and evolution of plant genomes, with a focus on the rice, soybean, common bean and peanut. The Jackson lab has been involved in sequencing plant genomes such as soybean, common bean, pigeonpea, chickpea and peanut. Research includes evolutionary studies of individual species as well as entire genera (e.g. Oryzeae and Glycine). We use cytogenetics to explore chromosome structure and function. Much of our work is at the intersection of genomics/epigenomics and bioinformatics. We generate and utilize large genomic data sets to discover genes, make gene-phenotype correlations and provide tools for engineering improved crops.
Dr. Edward Group of Global Healing Center and Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society discuss the top 10 GMO food list to avoid when shopping or otherwise.
Japan used to account for 15 percent of global fish catches, but now, nearly three years after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami which struck Fukushima’s Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2011, sales are plummeting in Fukushima and the surrounding prefectures, as the world focuses intently on radiation levels mounting in the Pacific Ocean’s sea life. Learn more.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was wrong in its assessment of how much lead is safe for children. Researchers from the University of Maryland (UM) in Baltimore recently found that children with blood lead levels ranging between 5 and 9 mcg/dL (micrograms per deciliter) — for the past 25 years, the CDC has told the public that lead exposure below 10 mcg/dL is safe — scored a staggering 4.5 points lower on their reading scores than children exposed to 5 mcg/dL of lead or less. Learn more:
Natural News Announces Results From Forensic Food Lab
Mike Adams of Natural News
Last week, Mike Adams of Natural news announced the launch of their heavy metals reference website that freely publishes toxic elemental analysis and microscopic images for (eventually) hundreds of foods, superfoods, herbs, beverages, fast foods and more. More details
Secondly, Mike Adams reviewed the historical background and importance to why heavy metals in our food supply is not good for our long-term health as a society. He attempted to answer the following questions; Why are there heavy metals in our food? Are the levels safe for human consumption? How much of these metals have bio-accumulated in our system? How do you limit such accumulation? For more information and the complete video, it is located here. Lastly, here is the link to the forensic lab information, website, and results, click here.
Ever Wondered What Elite Basketball Players Eat? Kobe Bryant Shares His Secret Related to His Longevity and Nutrition
By Trevor Long and Dr. Cate Shanahan
Kobe Bryant
“The advancements in sports science and medicine, particularly understanding the nature of eating and avoiding certain foods, have aided Bryant in changing his diet. Whereas some athletes might go through their usual offseason routine even as they age, Vitti said the 16-year veteran changed his habits beforehand.
“Kobe never got to that point where he came in behind and had to figure it out,” Vitti said. “He saw the future before the future came and he’s already made the adjustment.”
Dr. Cate Shanhan
Part of that changed diet and those healthy eating tips come from Dr. Cate Shanahan, a team consultant who has her own practice in Napa Valley. Pasture-fed foods – pasture-grazed beef from a pasture-fed cow, eggs from a free-range chicken (not a cage chicken) – are just some of the main staples of Bryant’s diet. Sugars, specifically anything with corn syrup, should be avoided, and the intake of carbohydrates has been scaled down, consumed in moderation. Article on Fit For Life by Trevor Long and Post by Dr. Cate Shanahan
Research Shows that Lack of Sleep May be the Reason You are Easting Fast Food
Lack of Sleep and Fast Food Linked
By Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations, August 6, 2013
BERKELEY — A sleepless night makes us more likely to reach for doughnuts or pizza than for whole grains and leafy green vegetables, suggests a new study from UC Berkeley that examines the brain regions that control food choices. The findings shed new light on the link between poor sleep and obesity. More details
A Journey Through Food: The Story of Kathryne Pirtle
Kathryne Pirtle of Performance Without Pain
Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project covered a few of the concepts in the book Deep Nutrition, as well as author Kathryne Pirtle of Performance Without Pain tells her story of overcoming pain to live life and perform her absolute best. Catherine Shananhan’s book covered recent research related to nutrition and traditional gene theory. While, Kathryne Pirtle joined Stephen to talk about her journey through pain and struggle with food to gain victory and some ideas on how each of us can improve our performance by eating a non-gmo, organic non-western diet.
Kathryne Pirtle is the clarinetist and executive director of the Orion Ensemble, which gives three concert series in Metropolitan Chicago, presents a live, internationally broadcast series on Chicago’s WFMT-FM Fine Arts Radio Network and tours throughout North America. She is principal clarinetist of the Lake Forest Symphony and frequently performs with the Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra, the Grant Park Music Festival, The Ravinia Festival Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Ms. Pirtle has co-authored a book with Dr. John D. Turner and Sally Fallon called Performance without Pain, which was published in 2006 by New Trends. This book focuses on the modern dietary influences in common inflammatory and degenerative conditions in musicians, athletes, dancers and the general public. It presents a highly effective solution to healing that utilizes nutrient-dense, enzyme-rich, traditional foods. Since 2004, she has given more than 85 workshops around the country and appeared on numerous radio and television shows.
Recent Non-GMO Cherrios Announcement By General Mills Causes Stir on Both Sides of the Fence
By Stephen McCarthy, The McCarthy Project
General Mills just announced that one type of Cherrios will be non-GMO Cherrios “Original.” The GMO labeling side declares a victory in the fight against the use of GMO in the creation of a major branded cereal product. Will this lead to a major change in the direction of the food industry. Check out the following posts and you make the call.
General Mills Corporate Site: Cherrios
Made with 100 percent natural whole grain oats – the only major breakfast cereal grain proven to help lower cholesterol – Cheerios is a healthy start to the day or a perfect, crunchy snack for the entire family. More Details
Wall Street Journal
General Mills Inc. has started producing Cheerios free of genetically modified content, making the 73-year-old breakfast cereal one of the highest-profile brands to change in the face of growing complaints over such ingredients from activist groups and some consumers. More Details
Natural News
General Mills has confirmed that Cheerios cereal is going non-GMO. Many people are celebrating this “victory” but I’m not so sure it’s a big deal at all — Cheerios are made from oats, and there are no GMO oats. So Cheerios has already been > 99% non-GMO forever. Here’s the scoop on this announcement and why I remain very skeptical of General Mills, a cereal company with a documented history of deception. More Details
Public isn’t buying media’s contrived attack on multivitamins says Natural News
Public isn’t buying lamestream media’s contrived attack on multivitamins
By Mike Adams, Natural News
Despite the most vicious efforts of the lamestream media to attack multivitamins and make nutrition look bad, the public isn’t buying it!
Yep, most people realize that nutrition really works to prevent disease, and that the attack piece was almost entirely funded by Big Pharma interests and quack scientist shills who also believe that even vitamin C can’t cure scurvy. More Details
Supplements are Causing Health Issues
By Ahahad O’Conner, NY Times
Christopher, a high school student from Katy, Tex., suffered severe liver damage after using a concentrated green tea extract he bought at a nutrition store as a “fat burning” supplement. More Details
Supplements Dont Have Any Health Benefits
By Ryan Jaslow, CBS News
“Enough” with the multivitamins already.
That’s the message from doctors behind three new studies and an editorial that tackled an oft-debated question in medicine: Do daily multivitamins make you healthier?
After reviewing the available evidence and conducting new trials, the authors have come to a conclusion of “no.” Full Article
Mainstream Media Bashing Multivitamins
By Mike Adams, Natural News
Today the mainstream media is gleefully reporting findings they mistakenly believe show all multivitamins to be worthless at preventing disease. “Case Closed: Multivitamins Should Not Be Used,” declares Forbes. “New studies dispel multivitamin myths,” reports NBC News. And CBS News shouts, “case is closed” after studies find no health benefits.” Full Article