Princeton University Head Coach Chris Bates on the Development of the Mind of an Elite Player
Coach Chris Bates of Princeton University
Coach Chris Bates of Princeton University will join Stephen McCarthy to discuss the world of elite performance in lacrosse. We will be talking about what the mind of an elite player looks like and how you can start to develop the mental game needed for elite performance. Coach Bates has been a head coach for over 14 years at the college level at Drexel and Princeton.
Additional areas covered; Bigger, stronger and faster are not always are the best in the end, youth coaching and the emphasis on winning, and the lack of coaches with the ability to create an positive, creative environment for athletes.
About Chris Bates:
Chris Bates, whose calmness and strength serve as the bedrock of the Princeton men’s lacrosse program, recently finished his fourth season as the head coach of the Tigers. Bates has led Princeton to two Ivy league championships, two NCAA tournaments and three Ivy League tournament finals, including one championship, in his first four years. Bates led Princeton to the outright Ivy League championship and into the NCAA tournament in 2012. In his first three seasons, he has now won two Ivy titles and made two NCAA tournament appearances. Faced with the often-difficult task of replacing a Hall of Fame coach, Bates has coached 13 first-team All-Ivy and 14 All-America selection in his first four years. He has also coached the Ivy League Player of the Year once and the Rookie of the Year three times in four years. His career record in 14 years as a head coach is 105-95, including 35-24 at Princeton.
Pollution isn’t only a concern when you’re outdoors—it’s a concern in your home as well. From the carpet on the floor to the cleaning products you might use, there are numerous contaminants that could be infiltrating your domicile. Ideally you would replace these toxic substances with less toxic counterparts, but that isn’t always practical. Fortunately, research has shown certain houseplants to have air-purifying effects that can make it easier to breathe while beautifying your surroundings. Learn more
Recent studies have shown that young people are under unprecedented stress. They are concerned about their weight, concerned about their grades, being bullied and bombarded with pornography from every direction. Learn more via The Independant.
We, as adults and parents, must step in and give the next generation hope and a reason to live a healthy, happy life. We must create an environment where young people are allowed to live a life of happiness and accomplishment. At The McCarthy Project, we pledge to create programs and events that give young people the tools they need to complete this process.
Control Thru Numbers or The Art of Life, Which One?
By Stephen McCarthy, The McCarthy Project
Over the last couple months, the words “philosophy of science” have continued to pop up. What does it mean? For as long as I remember, the two subjects are stand-alone forms, right? But then one of those revelation moments came and I realized that life is not about predictive, controlled programming, it is meant to be an art form with science added for additional information.
I would challenge you to start developing your thoughts individual viewpoints around the concept of philosophy of science. It will lead you to places that few people have traveled and revelations of new ideas are available. Here are the conversations and books I read over the last couple weeks that lead me to realize that life can bee seen differently.
Kurt Lewin, The Principles of Topological Psychology, the first part of the book is around the concepts of philosophy of science, Greek logic, and experiments that can be proven scientifically.
A conversation with Travis Zins, strength coach at St. Cloud State University and Shaun Myszka, performance coach at Explosive Edge, on the concept of periodization and the lack of time and control that even the big time coaches have with athletes. The constraints lead back to the art of training, not science.
Lastly, Cal Dietz, strength coach at the University of Minnesota, just posted an essay on a new paradigm in coaching athletes. Hard core, make you puke workouts, don’t make better athletes. See the entire post here.
In the end, we must realize that how we view life and the philosophy that we act out with our life is just as important to what “research says.”
It is often said that the best coaches of any sport know precisely when to push their athletes and when to take their foot off the throttle. Exceptions aside, high-level coaches do not simply grind their athletes into the ground each and every practice session, creating a practice culture that overemphasizes sacrifice and grunt labor to the detriment of skill acquisition and the enhancement of speed. Due to the influence of Hollywood movies featuring caricatures of nearly-sadistic football coaches, or the annual idle chat among aging alumni under Friday night lights remembering when “coach ran them till’ they bled or puked,” the vast majority of the public have formed the opinion that hard work, and hard work alone, is the key to sporting success. If the kids do not win, they simply didn’t work hard enough. They’re too soft. They’re too coddled. They’re not committed to doing what it takes to win.
In reality, high-level sport coaching is a delicate balance of art and science. The human body has finite parameters within which coaches and trainers must work. It only responds and adapts to certain forms and quantities of stress which must be carefully prescribed, monitored, and periodically reassessed. A coach who simply seeks to make his athletes exhausted during each and every practice is a coach lacking all understanding of human physiology and of the nature of sport itself. For sport is not merely a matter of strategy and tactical decision making, but also a matter of skill acquisition and performance. In our experience, many coaches generally understand the former, but almost entirely lack knowledge of the latter. They simply do not understand that all sports and sporting activities are skills, and that in order to elicit optimal performance in their athletes, coaches need to refocus their efforts on effectively improving sport skill performance. Furthermore, speed development is largely lost on many coaches as well, and the ideal means of improving speed is actually linked directly to the enhancement of skill performance. There is a small window of time during practice where improvements in both qualities can realistically be made. Outside of this window, gains in speed and skill performance are all but non-existent. The purpose of this essay is to explain how to take advantage of this limited period of practice time where important sport skills can be taught and improved upon, and speed can be developed to levels previously unattained.
By Cal Dietz and Jonathon Janz, For additional information, visit
Risk and the Role it Plays in Success in Life and Sport
Dr. Mary Riddel of UNLV
Dr. Mary Riddel, professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, recently posted an article entitled, “Risky Recreation.” She discussed the role that risk plays in the life of extreme sports. On the show today, Stephen and Dr. Riddel discussed how risk plays out in everyday life, as well as, sport.
Secondly, Dr. Riddel covered the concept of “too much risk”, “not enough risk” and the balance between each one in the real world.
Mary Riddel, chair of the economics department and a Beam Research Fellow in the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Mary has built a national reputation in environmental economics and risk through her contributions to the Center for Business and Economic Research at UNLV.
Nothing so well makes one forget the every day wear and tear, or so freshens the mind, raises the spirits, and strengthens the working ability in the adult as the particular kind of sport or game which he practised with special interest in his youth. Peter Ling, Home Gymanstics, 1907, pg. 18
A person who spends the day in useful work and takes a proper amount of exercise, sleeps soundly. He retires early and rises refreshed, sound in mind and body, and commences the new day with cheerfulness and energy. He has learned how to differentiate between day and night, and divides his day between work and needful rest.
A person who is lazy and suffers from the bad effects of high living, is tired and languid in the morning and during the day, but is quite lively in the evening and at night when he stays in a smoky bar-room or close ball-room.
It is the duty of every noble-minded person to work with word, example and action for the regeneration of the people through a more natural mode of living, so that simplicity in food and drink and a general knowledge of the laws of hygiene may prevail.
In today’s world of technology and organized sports, our young people have become more inactive than previous generations. Who remembers going to building a tree fort for hours and then climbing the tree to get to it. Playing pond hockey for hour after hour after hour. Playing basketball in the driveway in the winter time for hours.
Peter Ling in his 19th century work called Home Gymnastics says,
“It is a fact that a person who likes and practices physical exercise has purer habits of life, and-greater power of resisting temptation, than a person who is physically weak and effeminate, and who gives himself up to unsound enjoyments and expensive but injurious habits.
Daily physical exercise suppresses the morbid craving for pleasure; a right amount of physical work produces a sense of satisfaction and a happier frame of mind, through which nervousness and the feeling of discomfort are banished. “Happiness is the best nerve tonic.
A person who is bodily and morally strong is usually good-natured ; he is not easily excited, and his temper is far more under control than that of a person who is weak and delicate. He is free from cowardice, and scorns everything false and ugly, every fraud and deception in word or action; he values honor and loyalty, honesty, and the sense of duty. He is not susceptible to small complaints, sentimentality, or fussiness. A person bodily and morally weak is mostly occupied with thoughts of his health; if he can endure this or that exertion, whether he can digest this or that food; how he must dress in order not to take cold in the house or outside. He loses all power of endurance, enjoyment of life, and confidence in himself. He causes his friends inconvenience and anxiety, while a strong and sound person is of use to his neighbors.
Parents and teachers should avoid too much cautiousness in the education of children; they ought not to keep children confined to the house for a slight cold, catarrh, or headache; physical exercise in the open air is often the best remedy.
Young people should be instructed in the significance and care of all the different organs of the body, including the development, significance, and hygienic care of the generative organs; they should know of the harm they can inflict upon themselves through care lessness and ignorance.
Young people should learn first and foremost for their own sakes, but also from a purely national point of view, how to take care of their bodies and health, so that they may have a real foundation of physical and moral strength when they become older, and in their turn build a home and family. We should remember that the moral power of a nation ultimately depends upon the moral strength of the individual and the home, and that good examples are of the great est importance in education.” pg. 20-21
We as a society must find a way to return to our ways of building moral and physical health, to increase our young people’s activity level outside of organized sports and organized, periodized strength training. Their future and the future generation’s happiness and quality of life depend on it.
It is a law of nature that movement is progress and life, and that inactivity is decay and death. Physical exercise is as necessary for the comfort of the body as of the mind, it is essential for a rational development, for the preservation of health, and for its restoration when lost. Every one should devote some part of the day, if only a few minutes, to systematic bodily exercise; either in the form of gymnastics or games. But whatever form of exercise is chosen should provide a suitable amount of work for all the different parts of the organism. Peter Ling, Home Gymnastics, 1907
Some of the biggest critics of new lesson plans aligned with the national Common Core standards are the people charged with teaching them.
A growing number of teachers say the national standards, adopted by some 45 states, have combined with pressure to “teach to the test” to take all individuality out of their craft. Some teachers told the new education approach is turning their lessons into little more than data-dispensing sessions, and they fear their jobs are being marginalized.
“Now teachers aren’t as unique,” said Michael Warren, a public school history teacher in New Jersey. “It means anyone can do it. It’s like taking something done by humans and having it done by a machine.” More Details
This article proves that we are attempting to bring young people down to a common standard of “leaving no child behind,” not expecting great results and teaching to high expectations. This will further dumb down our young people. (See past article)
We must teach our young people to think philosophically in whole complex thoughts.
Erwan Le Corre of MovNat posted this quote on twitter this morning.
“To modern men, the next frontier has become the recovery of their health, the retrieve of their freedom, and the reclamation of their soul.”
The McCarthy Project can not agree more. We must, as a people, slow down and look past the positive thinking, fast-paced, scientific world to find out who we really are, not just to rip off all the positive thinking words and thoughts. Way down deep at a soul level, we must reclaim our soul and then we can have true success.
Tragedy and Hope’s Richard Grove Interviews Charlotte Iserbyt on CommonCore Standards and Proper Development of the Mind
The following is an interview completed by Richard Grove from Tragedy and Hope with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Education . They cover the history of compulsory schooling, challenges facing a society raised under its influence, and ways we can undo the damage to our cognitive development.
John Taylor Gatto Elite Boarding School Model for Cognitive Development
John Taylor Gatto and His Kids
Excellence in Thought (Creative Imagination and Freedom of The Individual)
1. Complete understanding of God and the arrival at a personal code of standards (in production, behavior, and morality.)
2. Working theory of human nature by studying history, philosophy, theology, literature, and law
3. Skill in active literacy’s, speaking and writing
4. Responsibility as an utterly essential part of the curriculum; always to grab responsibility when it is offered and always to deliver more than asked for.
5. To have familiarity with and to be at ease with, the fine arts (cultural capital)
6. The power of accurate observation and recording. For example sharpen the perception by being able to draw accurately.
7. A complete theory of access to any place and any person
8. Insight into major institutional forms (courts, corporations, military, education)
9. Repeated exercises in the forms of good manners and politeness; based on the truth that politeness and civility are the foundation of all future relationships, all future alliances and access to places that you may want to go
10. Independent work
11. Energetic physical sports are not a luxury; they are absolutely the only way to confer grace on the human presence, and that that grace translates into power and money later on. Also, sports teach you practice handling pain, and in dealing with emergencies.
12. The ability to deal with challenges of all sorts.
13. A habit of caution in reasoning to conclusions.
14. The constant development and testing of prior judgments: you make judgments, you discriminate value, and then you follow-up and “keep your eye” on your predictions to see how far skewed, or how consistent your predictions were.
On top of the aforementioned principles, The McCarthy Project has been influenced by the following philosophers:
1. Jean-Jacque Rousseau, 18th century philosopher and educator known for his work Emile. His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought.
2. Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths, 19th century educator, the father of physical education. A teacher and educator in Germany, and is especially known for his role in the development of physical education.
3. Pehr Henrik Ling, 19th century educator and coach, the father of medical based training and massage therapy. A Swedish physical therapist, developer and teacher of medical-gymnastics.
4. Erwan Lecorre, 21st century educator and developer of the training curriculum called MovNat or Moving naturally.
5. Rex Russell, 21st century medical doctor who focused on prevention of disease and creating elite performance with nutrition and wellness.
What Does it Take to Be Great In Life and Learning?
The Great of Learning and Life
“The great, and men of learning by profession, have hirtherto been too frequently brought up to have minds stuffed with knowledge in frail bodies, to be helpless creatures in human form. Massy pallaces have been erected on sandy foundations; and in a few years the edifice has tumbled down, or become incapable of the service expected from it. Had not intellectual labor been placed to their account, which nature, the bible, and sound sense inculcate; had they been corporally, as well as mentally, improved; men of great learning would have been more healthy and vigorous, of more general talents, of ample practical knowledge, more happy in their domestic lives, more enterprizing, and more attached to their duties as men.”
Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths, Gymnastics of Youth, 1803, pg. 55.
“our whole political constitution opposes this, by confining us, even in the years when we are more gay than nature herself, to the mechanic’s work-bench, or the students desk. This, however, should excite us to more to employ the early childhood, and the hours of youthful liberty, in improving the corporal faculties, and steeling both the bodies and minds of youth.”
Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths, Gymnastics of Youth, 1803, pg. 59.
What is the true and proper outlook towards weakness leaving the body?
Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths
Nature therefore forms all creatures with the same power, and after the same standard, in the present day, as in ages past; and we must not ascribe our physical degeneracy in the least to any alteration in her laws, and her energy, but to contingent causes: that is to a defective development of the germe, through the fault of our parents, and of circumstances; to deteriorating education; to a debilitating way of life; and sometimes to disadvantages of climates.
Thus all the weakness of the present refined race of men is only individual weakness: and even that we may term hereditary, when the weaknesses and defects of parents are entailed upon their children, is nothing but the continued operation of the accidental impression.
Consequently, in proportion as these contingent causes, and their operation, are removed, nature will proceed to fashion men after her original rule.
-Johann Christoph Friedrich Guts Muths, Gymnastics for Youth, 1803, pg. 26-27.
Over the last couple months, I have completed a informal survey of about 200 high schools students. I asked them one question:
Are you challenged in school or the majority of the time are you bored? Almost 80-90% of them say that they are bored.
John Taylor Gatto, a New York City school teacher for over 30 years and twice named New York City Teacher of the Year, had this to say about his time within the compulsory school system. “I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in boredom.”
So school reform is good, right?
Yes, but not with more rules on standardized test results. We must get back to challenging our young people to think in complete, whole thoughts, not be concerned about meeting some minimum standard of education. In other words, Common Core will force the teachers to lower the standard of teaching even further to the match the lowest common denominator in order to make sure no one is left behind. (Compounding the failed George Bush attempt at school reform)
Young people must research and educate themselves to see the possibilities in life and to accept the responsibility of success and failure, right and wrong, as well as, the understand the difference between reality and illusion.
If they don’t, we will continue to see more young people playing video games or watching television while sitting on the couch unable to think without their phone.
Here are a couple additional posts around the internet on the Common Core Standards:
Pastor Nate Ruch of Emmanuel Christian Center joined Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to discuss sports, on and off the field of battle, and debunking the myths surrounding elite performance in Christ.
Some of the subjects covered:
1. Tim Tebow and his role as a Christian in today’s NFL.
2. On the field, do you compete or do you just serve other people?
3. Off the field, what is the proper role of sex in relationships?
4. Should Christians take sponsorship money from organizations that do not stand for biblical principles?
5. What is a double-standard and the proper viewpoint of pro athletes who may act differently than Christians think they should.
The complete interview will air November 13th at 9:00am cst.
A loving husband of wife Jodi and proud father of four, Pastor Nate Ruch gives voice and direction to the ministry of Emmanuel. As lead pastor, he sets the tone for the Emmanuel family and helps guide the church through the seasons of life. He also preaches on Sundays and facilitates a Wednesday night prayer service.
A native of Michigan, Nate relocated to the Twin Cities to study at North Central University. There, he met Jodi and graduated with a license to pastor. Nate also holds a MA from Bethel University.
Nate’s resume highlights over twenty years of faithful public service. As a former Emmanuel youth pastor, he led one of the largest youth groups in the state of Minnesota. Nate also mentored dozens of leaders, who have since gone on to their own ministry ventures.
Following his pastorate, Nate served as a professor and later a VP-level administrator at North Central. In 2013, Nate accepted Emmanuel’s offer to become the third senior pastor in the fifty-plus-year history of the church.
Nate’s passions include family, travel, leadership development, coaching his sons’ youth sports teams, Starbucks coffee, and the University of Michigan Wolverines’ football program.
Forensic Historian and Filmmaker Richard Grove on Breaking The Chains of Institutionalized Thought to Create a Better Athlete
Richard Grove of
Richard Grove of will be joining Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to discuss to ways to break institutionalized thoughts and replace them with self-reliant, self-confident, clear thoughts from your own creative imagination.
On the show, Richard and Stephen will be discussing creative thought with the purpose of addressing the following areas:
1. Why do we need to change our institutionalized thoughts?
2. How do we change our current thoughts?
3. What should you expect while changing how you think?
4. What are the potential results if you put in the time and effort?
In 2003, Richard Grove filed for federal whistleblower protection under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.In 2006, he released on mp3 a 2-hour public disclosure “Project Constellation: A Message to the Future of America”.
What may have sounded like conspiracy “theories” in 2006 (Data-Mining and Spying on Citizens, The Planning of Financial Catastrophes, NSA/Google, and Corporate Media partaking in the demolition of our civil liberties), proves today to be relevant and verifiable historical facts related by Richard during his public disclosure via Project Constellation, and evident in his continued productions ever since.
Since then, Richard has created more than 500 hours of educational and informative media productions, including a comprehensive conscious curriculum to teach individuals methods for learning anything and everything for themselves (a.k.a. “The Peace Revolution Podcast”).
Some of his more powerful publications include: State of Mind: The Psychology of Control (2013 co-production), History… So It Doesn’t Repeat (2013 series), The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto (2012), The Peace Revolution Podcast (2009-Present), What You’ve Been Missing: Exposing the Noble Lie (2010), 20/20 Hindsight CENSORSHIP on the Frontline (2010), and Project Constellation (2006).
In 2013, ten years after blowing the whistle, Richard was nominated by author G. Edward Griffin to be listed in the Freedom Force International Hall of Honor.
For additional research, listen to the following podcasts or interviews:
1. Peace Revolution Podcast: Hundreds of hours of additional research around cognitive liberty and peace through clear, ordered thoughts.
2. Lindsey Berg: Lindsey broke down how you can apply these concepts to become a professional athlete and Olympian.
3. Jon Rappoport: Rappoport developed ways to use your creative imagination with straight thoughts and how to apply it in real life.
There tends to be a fair amount of confusion surrounding the efficient functioning of the mind. For this reason I have created to tune into your mental dashboard.
This DashBoard keeps optimal mental functioning front and center allowing the athlete to utilize their brain as a weapon as opposed to a weight.
Here are our critical concepts to tap into power of the mind:
Engaging your mind to be purposeful begins to charge the mind with the initial
2. PRODUCTIVITY VS EFFORT: achievement is about being able to be productive. Effort is meant to serve the productivity. Sometimes we over value work and under value being productive.
3. DESCRIPTION VS JUDGEMENT: When we take the time to reflect on our performance it is more helpful to think about describing our performance then judging it. We are the worse evaluators of our own performance.
Keeping these concepts on our dashboard will help us be our best as well as continue to reach for heights beyond our current experience.
“Art, which is to say, imagination, is the path to enlightenment, an infinite voyage in which there is no final state. Contrary to every system, illumination is not received passively. It is literally created by each person. Like it or not, we are all artists?Art radiates its currents into future time, and a major crossroad of that future is here. Reality, as we know it and accept it, is breaking apart like icebergs in the waves. The minor stage play called civilization-as-we-know-it is surviving only because it continues to turn out replicas and cartoons of itself.”
“People are educated to believe that it takes special, inborn talent to imagine and create. That is one incredibly destructive teaching. It stunts natural development to the point where passivity becomes the order of the day—and of a life.”
Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project will be breaking down the time-space continuum and your ability to create new art with Jon Rappoport. He will be joining us to develop his thoughts around the concept of individualism, creativity, and the ability to create art, no matter what your are doing.
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. A painter, Jon’s work has been in shown in galleries in Los Angeles and New York. His poetry has been published by The Massachusetts Review. He is a graduate of Amherst College (BA, Philosophy), and lives with his wife, Dr. Laura Thompson, in San Diego.
Erwan Le Corre of MovNat on Moving Naturally in The World
Erwan Le Corre of MovNat
Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project will cover the weekly news and Erwan Le Corre of MovNat will join us to discuss the world of physical education and fitness. The concept of mastery of self and your surroundings will create the foundation of the show and provide a platform for a great discussion on the world of human development.
Erwan started MovNat to open the world thought on the freedom that can be created through human movement. And to provide a unique approach to the development of efficient movement. He has traveled the world researching and developing his philosophy of physical, mental and spiritual development.
Subjects to be covered:
1. The MovNat and Erwan Le Corre story and philosophy of human movement.
2. The fallacy of bodybuilding or bicep training as the only way to true fitness
3. The art of human movement as it relates to the brain or central nervous system
4. The discussion of the true power in life: an accurate knowledge of self and your surroundings.
5. The definition of recovery training and some basic concepts on implementing recovery into your life.
6. Repetitive stress injuries and their prevention by training for human movement, rather than specialization in sport.
For more information on MovNat and Erwan Le Corre, visit his website.
National Championship Basketball Coach Dr. John Tauer on “The ESPN Effect, Individualism and Creativity
Dr. John Tauer, University of St. Thomas Basketball Coach on “The ESPN Effect”
Dr. John Tauer, Associate Professor of Psychology and basketball coach for the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, joined host Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project to discuss the role of technology (The ESPN Effect) on future generations of athletes.
In 2009, Dr. Tauer published a study “The ESPN Effect: How Slam Dunks Affect Individualism, Competitiveness, and Optimism” in the International Journal of Sport Communication. He shared his viewpoints on the culture of sport and how technology changes athletes outlook of themselves and their abilities based on what they see on tv or highlight videos. He also talked about the ability of athletes to think creatively based on what they see in these videos.
John has implemented his findings into his basketball team. It is hard to argue with his results to this point. 1 NCAA D-III National Championship, 7 consecutive MIAC Conference Championships, and the 2012-2013 team was ranked #1 in the nation with a record of 30-2.
Lastly, Dr. Tauer developed his ideas on winning and losing, raw talent vs. talent with skills. He put out his thoughts on how coaches and athletes should view their game, how they can get better and ultimately, master life and sport.
Athletes Perform Better Under Pressure When They Make a Fist With Their Left Hand
Athletes Perform Better Making A Left Handed Fist
From the Journal of Experimental Psychology, a simple way to activate the part of your brain that lets you stop worrying and just be the ball.
PROBLEM: Thirty percent of penalty kicks in professional soccer are missed, as are 20-30 percent of NBA free throws, despite practice scenarios in which those numbers are notably lower. Studies have suggested that the reason is primarily psychological — they fail not from lack of focus, but “because attention is directed toward the execution of the action” — since most perform better at these rote but accuracy-dependent aspects of the game (which they’ve nearly perfected from a mechanical aspect with thousands of hours of practice) in low-pressure situations. So, like so many of us, they’re always looking for ways to get out of their heads.
According to the researchers, freaking out is primarily associated with the left hemisphere of the brain, while the right hemisphere deals more with mechanical actions. Meanwhile the cortex of the right hemisphere controls movements of the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. So they figured that if you can purposely activate the right hemisphere — in this case, by making a fist or squeezing a ball with your left hand — it will improve physical performance and draw focus away from the ruminating left hemisphere.
2. Bret Hedican, 17 year NHL veteran, will be sharing his thoughts on how to develop your mind to “live in the moment” and master your sport.
3. Quincy Caldwell, NBA trainer and former pro basketball player, will be talking about the attitude and perspective needed to compete at the highest level.
4. Keith Lockwood, former collegiate football player and high school coach at White Bear Lake High School in White Bear Lake, MN, on the role of creativity and imagination in the game of sport.
One of the lost arts in life has become mastery of life. We are a very distracted bunch who only listen to random bites of information at almost every opportunity, rather than think strategically and in wholes for a longer duration of time.
Bret Hedican with The Cup
I dare you to try this project:
Read a book, research the author’s life and their viewpoints, the influences these viewpoints had on their life and work, develop out the message of the book and write a one page report on your findings.
Why would this be a big deal? You would be reading to understand the whole, rather than being entertained and compartmentalized.
The first time I did this project I was amazed about how little I knew about the world of creativity, the motives of author, and how the viewpoint was bias. I just assumed what they had told me in the book was true.
“From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books. Pleased with Pilgrim’s Progress my first collection was of John Bunyan’s works in separate little volumes. I afterwards sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton’s Historical Collections; they were small chapman’s books, and cheap, 40 to 50 in all. My father’s little library consisted chiefly of books in polemic divinity, most of which I read….Plutarch’s Lives there was in which I read abundantly, and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of Defoe’s, called an Essay on Projects, and another of Dr. Mather’s, called Essays to Do Good, which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events in my life.”
What man, woman or child has read any of these pieces of literature (or current works) and understood the concepts therein?
None of us. We must learn to think at a higher level. To diligently apply ourselves to think at a deeper level than entertainment value. Here are areas to research and develop your cognitive ability in order to become a master in life and sport:
In John Taylor Gatto’s Underground History of American Education, he writes, “At the top, one-half of 1 percent of the students,where, as future policy makers, they learned to think strategically, contextually, in wholes; they learned complex processes, and useful knowledge, studied history, wrote copiously, argued often, read deeply, and mastered tasks of command.”
The simple solution is to elevate your thoughts from controlled do’s and don’ts to free, individualistic, and creative. Then spend time looking at other opinions and comparing them to your own. Develop out your viewpoint of right and wrong in life. Stand up for yourself, see the complete picture and get to work studying. This is entry point of the process of mastering life and sport.
There are many inspiring stories that highlight the power of a “team”. One such movie is “Miracle”, a movie that tells the epic story of the 1980 Olympic Hockey teams unprecedented journey to the gold medal. There are many riveting moments in the movie however, one stands out for me; The team had been selected and many of the players seemed to be a bit to comfortable with the fact they had simply made the team. This sense of comfort lead to a nonchalant attitude and a complete lack of focus. In a heated moment Herb Brooks confronts one player amongst the team and said; “The name on the front of your jersey is a lot more important then the one on the back!.
There is a timeliness to this comment today in 2013.
Do we really believe this? Do our actions energy, and attitudes support the idea that the team is of greater importance then any one persons success? For the sake of this writing I would have to say “NO” we do not believe this. Before, I go further I need to clarify that I do believe that people need to have individual fulfillment. The team should allow for the success of each person. However, I believe that we are producing groups of individuals that play by and for themselves surrounded by others, rather then a team that plays together allowing for individuals to shine in specific roles that support the goals of the TEAM. skill set. Because the team counts on them to excel in this role it tends to raise the effectiveness of others in different roles. Our teams are underachieving because;
By Stephen McCarthy, Director of The McCarthy Project
I see this all the time in the health and fitness world. The hype in magazines and the media. Take a look at the cover of Muscle and Fitness of Rich Froning, 3 time CrossFit Champion. Now take a look at the photo from Outside magazine. Which one is true and which one is false? Is it just propaganda to sell their goodies? Are people lying to us on what they do for elite performance? Or is the truth training that comes from time proven health and fitness development not needed? Just do the “random hard core workout” and eat whatever you want and you will be a champion.
I will let you decide the answers to these questions.. Here are some facts and observations for you to contemplate.
1. Muscle and Fitness magazine cover of Rich Froning. Look closely at his torso and notice the perfect taper from the upper part of his chest and back to his hips.
2. See the photo from Outside magazine of Rich Froning. Notice the taper is not there. The dude is 5 foot 9 200lbs as mentioned on the Outside website.
Truth Training or Hype?
Which one is the real Rich Froning?
Now lets move over to the information in the Outside website article on his tips for elite performance. While I would venture to say that all the things that he passes along as “tips in training” are not bad, some of them are absolute hype. Eating a whole apple pie and do not pay attention to your nutrition. Workout 2-5 times a day and never take a day off.
On the other side of the fence, we have a PHD from Ball State who has proven that overtraining can occur in only 3 weeks.
What do you think? Who is telling the truth?
If this is all true, good luck.. You may be an outlier that can handle the same training and nutrition as Rich. You may be the next CrossFit champion if you follow his philosophy. But my guess is that you will probably burn out.
Why do we believe this stuff? The majority of it is propaganda to sell a public that is addicted to the half-truths and pictures of athletes who would like to look like Rich Froning. Here is a article that will make you mad, but it is the truth on why we continue to fall for these ideas.
You do not have to fall for lies and propaganda spewed into our lives. Simply train and develop your mind properly. You will arrive at your goal in due time.
Lindsey Berg of USA Volleyball Discusses Team Building
Lindsey Berg on Team Building
Leadership and team building are two of the most discussed topics in today’s business world. Lindsey Berg, Olympic medalist and entrepreneur, joined host Stephen McCarthy to develop out her ideas around developing a successful team or company.
Lindsey has been known as a leader through out her career in volleyball. She talked about how she applies the same concepts to business.
Lindsey talked about the balance between being a team player and maintaining your individuality. In the end, you do not have to choose, you can have both.
Secondly, they talked about the power of assumption in leaders and how wrong it is to use a tool of management. Earning the right to talk and lead and much, much more.
Shaun Goodsell Discusses How to Win in the Game of Uncertainty
Thriving Through Uncertainty
The one certainty about life is experiencing moments of uncertainty. With uncertainty often comes doubt, confusion, anxiety and for some debilitating levels of fear. The question is how do you thrive in these moments and utilize them for growth and stepping stones of greatness.
Last week, we discussed excitotoxins and the use of proper diet and recovery as the foundation of stimulating the brain and athletic development. This week, we move on to the subject of cns training and creating athletes that use strength and speed development means and methods to improve performance.
The main focus of any cns training program is to activate motor units, the basic functional entity of muscular activity, while performing your event.
There are a many methods to improve, but almost as many to hinder.
3. Proper amount of rest during workouts that allow recovery of cns. This allows for maximum effort during each set or rep.
4. Allow yourself some downtime away from technology and sport. Paint a picture, walk in the woods, etc.
On the hinder side.
1. Manage the number of random hard core workouts or survival of the fittest speed sessions.
2. Training for multiple sports with multiple trainers at the same time.
3. Refuse to look at restoration training or managing work loads. If you are swimming at the lake all day, practicing for 2 hours and then going to workout. It may be too much for one day.
The Role of Central Nervous System in Life and Sport
Central Nervous System in Life and Sport
Could you perform at a higher level both mentally and physically by eating processed foods? False. Could you have a greater result from your training by not touching cash register receipts? True.
Why do we care, when we are talking about the central nervous system and improving athletic performance?
Answer: If you don’t take care of the foundational parts of your central nervous system, it will not work with the efficiency that it was created. The house built on the wrong foundation will not stand. The work capacity you are looking to build and the time you put into improving at sport will be futile and useless because your body will break down eventually. There have been numerous prominent doctors talking about the affects of the food, air and water on the central nervous system, more specifically the brain, of young people and ultimately, their performance in life and sport.
Today we are taking a look at some general areas that force our central nervous system to not perform at maximum efficiency and clarity. If you would like to learn how to focus your thoughts without feeling like you are in a fog, stop getting headaches after you eat, have more energy when you workout or maximum restoration from my workouts. These are only of few of the things we will be covering on the show and are occurring at a cellular level in your entire body.
Here are the basic components of brain care that should be addressed. Dr. Russell Blaylock, known as the foremost authority on excitotoxins such as MSG and aspartame. Dr. Blaylock is the author of “Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.”
The quality of our food, water and the environment will cause long term negative result by not paying attention to these factors. For additional information from Dr. Blaylock, listen to the complete interview with Mike Adams of Natural News.
A third source for information would be the Paleo Diet for Athletes by Dr. Loren Cordain and Joel Friel. They cover complete details numerous other threats to your long term heath and performance.
During the second part of our show, we will address the subject of BPA or bisphenal A in the things we touch and use to in our life on a daily basis. Here is an post related to the use of BPA on cash register receipts at major retailers. BPA was thought to be only a problem for microwaving baby formula and causing problems with the young children. The central nervous system is adversely affected BPA. The endocrine system not producing the proper balance of testosterone, estrogen and growth hormone will cause your brain to be confused who you really are as a person, inhibiting your ability to think high quality thoughts. change how your body responds to workouts and at some levels, will change who you are as a person.
Testosterone and Estrogen levels in athletes based on BPA, excitotoxins like MSG and aspartame, and other environmental concerns are building blocks to receiving the benefits of your training.
Some common causes of Low T (low testosterone) include mineral deficiencies, and especially a lack of zinc; excess stress, which is often associated with raised cortisol production and lowered DHEA levels; too much exercise and weight training without enough rest; head or gonadal trauma; exposure to estrogens in the environment and from bad food; and accumulation of visceral, or belly, fat, and corresponding insulin resistance.” Natural News
For the complete show, tune in to Central Nervous System on The McCarthy Project Talk Show.
Now that the foundation has been built, next week The McCarthy Project will look at how to develop the central nervous system for improved performance on the field or court.
“Dont have the phone smarter than you. So it they are looking at that as cultural contraband than that will let you know where we are at.” Rapper Chuck D. of Public Enemy
Limited technology is a foreign concept in today’s world. The television, the smart phone, computer and video games have taken over a large part of our time, especially with young people. We have all heard the stories and read the studies, that on average, we invest over 20 hours a week on television, now add 3 hours a day looking at our phone, watch a couple youtube videos, and read the sports on the Internet. What maybe, 50-60 hours a week! Add to this a scene from the movie, Children of Men. The scene where Theo is talking Nigel over lunch and Nigel’s son is sitting on the computer stuck in a coma-induced state taking drugs for depression. This it what could happen to athletes or is already happening right now.
So the concept of limiting technology takes on a whole new level within the context of Nigel’s son. It is not a false reality, it is reality that we need to look into decreasing the use of technology to improve performance.
So the concept of limiting technology takes on a whole new arena with the context of Nigel’s son. It is not a false reality, it is reality.
Here are a couple articles for further reading on the subject of decreased performance from technology. These are articles are simply the start of the information around the subject of decreased performance of the mind and body after long-term bouts with technology.
The end game is limited technology will improve your performance in your life and your sport. Get up and get off the technology.
Tune in to listen to the complete show on Wednesday July 10th at 11am CST.
The question was asked what is the biggest source of power in the world today. “Knowledge of self and knowledge of your surroundings.” Rapper Chuck D. of Public Enemy
Secondly, Shaun Goodsell of Mental Edge Today and I recorded a powerful show on the concept of high performance. We talked about the power of vulnerability and its importance in life and sport.
Shaun Goodsell of Mental Edge on How to Work with Unmotivated Athletes
Shaun Goodsell on Unmotivated Athletes
The world is littered with unmotivated athletes and coaches are notorious for letting everyone know how unmotivated athletes take down their teams. Shaun Goodsell of the Mental Edge will change your perspective on these athletes.
You will begin to see that the coach is responsible for the majority of their athletes that fall into this category. While each age-group is slightly different, the athletes follow their coach. The coach has the power to create a atmosphere of communication. The type of communication is the variable in each equation.
Shaun and Stephen covered the subject of unmotivated athletes on Friday’s show. Here are a couple thoughts from the show.
1. Each player and coach are different, therefore do not feel that you always have to use the same style or type of communication as this really successful coach.
2. The playing field is not always equal for every player. Understand each player, their circumstances and then implement a plan.
3. At the youth level, it is the job of the coach to create the channels of communication with the parents, not the parents to the coach.
Additional areas and ideas covered include coaching youth athletes when Johnny only there because his parents signed him up to pro coaches and the challenges the pro’s bring to elite performance.
Stephen McCarthy of The McCarthy Project Broke Down His Philosophy of Attaining Elite Performance
Stephen McCarthy on Elite Performance
Attaining elite performance is easy to talk about, filled with blood, sweat, tears and failure. It is a road less traveled. Over the last 20 years, Stephen McCarthy has been involved in the sports community in Minnesota. He started his journey as a young sports junkie in Spring Lake Park, MN. Attempted to play pro golf, while training young athletes. He has worked with over 10000 young athletes through the years, some have gone on to compete at a high level. Others have not.
Today on the show, Stephen discussed his thoughts on on attaining elite performance related to training, nutrition, sleep, recovery and the digital age. He described a path to elite performance that he has seen numerous athletes travel.
For the complete story and philosophy, listen here.
In the second hour, Lindsey Berg of USA Volleyball joined the show to tell her story of growing up a coaches kid to the Gold Medal Game at the London Olympics. Her story and successes are amazing similar to the philosophies at The McCarthy Project. Could that be just a coincidence? Or truth?
MAJOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: 2012 – FIVB World Grand Prix Preliminary Rounds…Olympic Games (Silver). 2011 – FIVB World Grand Prix (Gold)…NORCECA Championship (Gold)…FIVB World Cup (Silver). 2010 – FIVB World Championship (Fourth). 2009 – Final Four Intercontinental Cup (Silver)…NORCECA Continental Championship (Fourth) 2008 – U.S. Olympic Team Exhibition for Volleyball versus Brazil…FIVB World Grand Prix (Fourth Place)…Olympic Games (Silver Medal). 2007 – NORCECA Championship (Silver Medal)…FIVB World Cup (Bronze Medal). 2006 – World Grand Prix (Seventh Place). 2005 – Front Range Tour vs. Brazil…Pan American Cup…World Grand Prix…FIVB World Championship Qualifying Tournament (gold medal)…NORCECA Continental Championships (gold medal)…World Grand Champions Cup (Silver Medal). 2004 – Yeltsin Cup…Montreux Volley Masters (Silver Medal)…Pan American Cup (Silver Medal)…World Grand Prix (Bronze Medal)…Olympic Games. 2003 – Montreux Volley Masters…Russia Tournament…Pan American Cup (Gold Medal)…World Grand Prix (Bronze Medal)…NORCECA Zone Championships (Gold Medal)…Texas Tour…World Cup (Bronze Medal).
PROFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS: 2008 – Led Asystel Volley Novara to the Italian Serie A semifinals. 2007 – Played for Scavolini Pesaro in Italian Serie A League. 2006 – Played for Scavolini Pesaro in Italian Serie A League. 2005 – Played for Scavolini Pesaro in Italian Serie A League. 2002 – Helped lead the Minnesota Chill to the United States Professional Volleyball league championship…Berg earned Outstanding Server, Outstanding Setter and All-USPV honors for her efforts.
COLLEGE HIGHLIGHTS: Berg was a three-time All-Big Ten selection at the University of Minnesota (1999, 2000, and 2001)…She finished her collegiate career in 2001 ranked third in the Big Ten in all-time assists (5,913).
Digital Multitasking decreases sports performance. If your IQ goes down, you will not think as clear as you can and your performance will decrease. We all use the computer for many hours in the day, but a recent study shows that all the productivity in the world will not increase IQ. In fact, it will decrease it.
Moral of the story. Get off the computer, the phone and go outside. Read a book. Play a game. Concentrate on one thing at a time. You will increase your understanding of the content and your IQ will increase.
Tracy Lynn Bezeau of Pigskin Lipstick Talks Life Outside of Football
Tracy Lynn of Pigskin Lipstick on Football
Tracy Lynn and Stephen explored the area of women and pro football. But not in the way you would expect. We talked about “sports divorce”, helicopter parenting and control freak parents. And lastly, how to build strong, stable, real young people who can handle life.
They are all related to one another. You are going to have to listen to the show to find out how. The show might be the one that will wake you up to reality or will make you really upset.
Talk show co-host / internet radio co-host and producer for “Outside the Pocket with Damon Allen” which is a radio talk show based on health & wellness, sports & entertainment from the inside out and we are not afraid to step out of bounds.
From Parenting to Home, Fashion to Sports and Fitness to Entertainment Tracy Lynn covers a wide range of programming and events.
For more information on Tracy Lynn, visit her website.
Shaun Goodsell of Mental Edge Discussed the Proper Uses and Types of Communication in Sport
Shaun Goodsell on communication in Sport
In today’s world, social media dominates communication in sport and life. Shaun Goodsell broke it all down on how to be a great communicator in sport and life that includes talking and the computer.
Shaun talked about the arena of communicating via social media and on a interpersonal level. The coach and the player have specific roles and uses for technology. On the other hand, the interpersonal skills are lacking development. How can both of them work in tandem? Athletes and coaches could use the following 3 steps to improve their communication skills:
1. Be clear when you say or do something
2. Be very concise. Don’t think that volume is the key to good communication.
3. Analyze the feedback you receive from the communication.
Shaun and Stephen covered these steps of successful communication and much more on the show.
Shaun has worked with LPGA Golfers, National Championship Hockey Players, Professional Triathletes, State Champion Football and Hockey Players, as well as those athletes who simply want to make “the team.” Every athlete deals with certain mental interferences and life impairments no matter what level they may be at competitively. There is no such thing as right and wrong, or, good and bad, in Shaun’s mind. I do not look at life in these terms. As a Performance Coach, it is my challenge to help each individual athlete develop a new way of defining his/her performance – it is not about good or bad, but about looking at what factors go into a quality performance and what each athlete can do and/or change, individually, to experience just that. With Shaun’s ability to teach and to inspire, along with his ability to communicate abstract ideas clearly, he is able to help each person he works with identify and look at ways they might be engaging in self-defeating patterns of thinking and/or acting, which results in an overall empowering experience for the individual, raising their level of mental toughness and overall self-esteem. Shaun also works extensively with coaches and parents of athletes in large groups, focusing on their integral roles in athletes’ overall mental development and their lives in general. Each coach and parents leaves these presentations and workshops inspired and better equipped to manage athletes with aim, purpose and compassion.
Rapper Thi’sl Talks Music and the Role it Plays with Athletes
Thi’sl on The Role of Music in the World
Rapper Thi’sl joins the show to talk about the world of music and sport. Almost every athlete today has a pair of headphones and a mp3 player. So it is a given that the world of sport is influenced by music. But how far? and in what ways? He will be addressing these questions and much more.
Travis “Thi’sl” Tyler, an ex-hustler turned urban missionary and rapper, check out his website and his new album, Free From the Trap. He is currently based in St. Louis, MO.
Thi’sl had a burning desire to reach his generation and culture. He prayed for direction, and God impressed upon his heart to return to rap. Initially, he tried to mimic the heavily theological raps he had been exposed to, until finding his own lane. He eventually started an independent label and released his national debut album, Chronicles of an X-Hustler, which debuted at No. 4 on the iTunes Hip Hop chart. Chronicles is a self-described “audio biographical” look into Thi’sl’s life as he addresses real life situations through a biblical lens and provides practical/biblical solutions to everyday situations. That’s his mantra—let his biblical knowledge meet real people in their current realities. Having been featured on several albums since his national debut including features with Lecrae’s Rehab: The Overdose and Flame’s Captured, Thi’sl recently released his sophomore album Beautiful Monster. Driven by his mom’s words, “While people are sleeping, I’m working,” Thi’sl is dedicated to making the most of his platform and changing the world.
Principles of High Impact Coaching with Shaun Goodsell
Shaun Goodsell on HIgh Impact Coaching
Shaun Goodsell of The Mental Edge was in rare form on the show. He spoke directly to the issues related to coaching at all levels and the principles of high impact coaching.
He covered the basics:
1. Taking the time to know what your players are thinking no matter what the age and build that sense of rapport with each athlete.
2. Take the role of coach with great care, honor and responsibility.
If you are interested in getting better as a coach, to listen to the complete appearance visit here.
For more information on Shaun Goodsell, visit his website.
What Does Balance in a Family Look Like for Young Athletes?
Tricia O’Hara
Today Stephen McCarthy and Tricia O’Hara, an accomplished athlete, personal trainer and coach, worked through decisions that parents of young athletes must address somewhere in the athlete’s development. When is the best time to push? Is it ok to use bribes to motivate? Who is in control? And Why? Should the athlete have some downtime?
We answered these questions and much more in the second hour of today’s show.
For more information on Tricia O’Hara, visit her website.